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Oil Drilling

As the oil drilling industry in Texas continues to grow, there is the continued possibility that oil workers will be seriously injured on the job, leaving them unable to work for weeks or months at a time. Anytime negligence plays a role in accidents, workers are entitled to fair compensation for their injuries, lost wages, and pain and suffering. At the Law Office of Olegario Estrada, P.C., we can help you or your loved one recover compensation following an oil drilling accident, including death cases, burn injuries from blowouts, eye and head injuries from defective equipment, electrical accidents during rig installation, and brain injury cases.

Explosion at a oil field

Oil Field Blowouts and Explosions

The potential for catastrophic accidents that result in serious injuries is always present anytime workers are dealing with high-pressure oil and gas wells. We can help with:

  • Oil well fires that cause burn injuries
  • Mechanical failure resulting in loss of limbs
  • Blunt force trauma during a blowout
  • An exposure to oil, gas, and other toxic substances due to a blowout
oil truck accident

Oil Field Truck Accidents

Anytime you have the transportation of oil, there is the potential of an accident that is dangerous and that can leave workers with serious injuries requiring medical care. We can help you if you have been involved in an accident involving an oil tanker truck.

Let us help you if you have been injured in an oil field due to:

  • Rig collapses
  • Toxic Fume Exposure
  • Fires and Explosions
  • Defective equipment and plant design
  • Electrical Failures
  • Chemical Spills
  • Improper Training and Use of Heavy Machinery
  • Falls from heights
  • Wellhead blowouts and explosions
  • Mechanical device and machinery failures

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